Description and preview: Excerpts from book reviews, bio / bibliography, photo gallery, and many other interesting things about the work of a poet and filmmaker Stanke Gjuric, all in English and Croatian.
…Briefly and generally speaking, from a topical point of view, Stanka Gjuric’s book of essays focuses on spiritual horizons similar to Henry Miller, using the style and vocabulary worthy of Marguerite Yourcenar or of some of the essays of Simone de Beauvoir. Her observations point us to vistas of Sylvia Plath, yet never guide us to a similar suicidal fatality. In Stanka Gjurić’s everyday observations, she is close to serene yet vigorous ideas and the reasoning and healthy pantheism of Anais Nin.
Robert G. Tilly

…That is why lyricism works even more unreally, and its persistence transmute into a discrete charm of courage that without affliction would act cynically.
Vlado Gotovac